Stella’s Graduation

The good, the bad and the ugly Cool. Upon reaching the 3-month mark, our girl went from being Stella the newborn to Stella the infant – her first graduation and I’m as proud a dad as can be!

Not-so-objectively speaking, I think I can say that she’s earned her stripes. Here’s a little update on what she’s been up to since my last post at 6 weeks and as always, feel free to click on any of the images for a larger view:

  • smiling, laughing and squealing with delight. Beyond coos and gurgles, she sometimes makes sounds resembling a squawking bird when she’s excited. And maybe it’s just by accident, but we’ve caught the occasional wink!
  • still loving faces, especially her own. She smiles at “the baby” in the mirror.
  • eye contact – she loves people, sees everything and spends hours taking in the colours, lights and movements in a room.
  • she’s found her hands. They (and anything she gets her hands on) inevitably end up in her mouth. Not her feet or toes, but she reaches down and grabs them too!
  • she’s fascinated with eating and loves to watch her mum and dad bring food from fork to mouth at mealtimes.

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Stella’s Full Moon

Stella doing her Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde ImpersonationWhy “Full Moon”?  In Chinese tradition, it is customary to celebrate baby’s health (and mum’s recovery) after her first month of life, or full moon. So, in the spirit of Stella’s first full moon, some photos for everyone who has helped us welcome her with gifts, blessings and good cheer.

Here’s Stella roughly at her one month mark showing us what one can expect during this stage of rapid change: nice and calm one minute, bit restless the next then outright scream-fest for the remainder until she’s burped, fed or changed.   That about sums up the first four weeks!

Highlights of Stella’s first month:

  • After a slight drop in weight (to 9lbs) she’s back up to her birth weight of 10.5 lbs and measures 61 cm
  • She loves faces – get in close and she’ll examine yours
  • Her doctor describes her as “very mature” and “focused”
  • Showing early social skills and smiles at sounds of her mum’s and dad’s voices!

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“Hello World”- Introducing Little Stella Ma Smith!

NAME: Stella Ma Smith
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: August 16, 2009 at 00:41 hrs
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 57 cm, 10 lbs 5 oz
EYE COLOR(the most amazing) Gray-blue

Well that was something else:  after 13 hrs in labor my wife Leslie gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Stella Ma Smith!! We can’t get enough of her. Check out pics from “the first days” and see for yourself.

Little Stella just born laying on the heated change-table in the delivery room.
Little Stella literally just born laying on the heated change-table

Little Stella and mummy sleeping shortly after delivery.
Stella and mum sleeping shortly after delivery

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