Stella’s Full Moon

Stella doing her Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde ImpersonationWhy “Full Moon”?  In Chinese tradition, it is customary to celebrate baby’s health (and mum’s recovery) after her first month of life, or full moon. So, in the spirit of Stella’s first full moon, some photos for everyone who has helped us welcome her with gifts, blessings and good cheer.

Here’s Stella roughly at her one month mark showing us what one can expect during this stage of rapid change: nice and calm one minute, bit restless the next then outright scream-fest for the remainder until she’s burped, fed or changed.   That about sums up the first four weeks!

Highlights of Stella’s first month:

  • After a slight drop in weight (to 9lbs) she’s back up to her birth weight of 10.5 lbs and measures 61 cm
  • She loves faces – get in close and she’ll examine yours
  • Her doctor describes her as “very mature” and “focused”
  • Showing early social skills and smiles at sounds of her mum’s and dad’s voices!

The rest of the pictures are pretty self explanatory.

Stella Laying Down
Stella having a gander

Stella in her Fish Swaddle
Stella swaddled

Stella having a Banter with her Mum
Stella having a go with her mum

Stella and her Granda
Stella in the arms of her Granda

Stella Sleeping
Stella sleeping on the couch

Stella on her Apple Swaddle
Stella gazing before a swaddling

More to come as we grow…

6 Responses

  1. Ohhh, little Stella. What a joy!! Can’t wait to meet her. You two should be sooo proud of bringing such a little bundle of joy into the world.

  2. Hello There!

    Stella, you are a beautiful little girl! Les and Russ, you must be so proud. I look forward to seeing lots more pictures… and hopefully we can manage an in-person visit soon.


  3. I love the “put-your-dukes-up” boxing stance Stella’s got going on. Super cute.

    Enjoy every sleepless moment because before you know it, they’re seven years old. LOL.

  4. CUTIE, CUTIE, CUTIE!!!! Stella is soooo beautiful. The Bobby Ma clan are all eagerly waiting to meet this package of utter cuteness! Hope all is well with the Ma-Smith family!

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